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Institute of Anatomy

  • Hirnschnitte
  • Vitrine 53
  • Lungenmodell
  • Hirnschnitte
  • Vitrine 53

Anatomical collection

The Anatomical collection comprises 450 human specimens and models. On display are, among other things, specimens on which the most important anatomical structures are marked and explained by accompanying panels or photographic atlases. Some models are made of flexible polyurethane and can be held by visitors. Complete serial sections of various human organs and body parts, which are embedded in transparent synthetic resin, are also part of the collection.

The Anatomical collection is open to students and the public. Admission is free of charge.

Groups and school classes

Group visits are not possible during the examination period (June 24 to July 10, 2024)!

Groups of 10 or more people and school classes must register in advance. Please register by e-mail at least 14 days before the planned visit.

We are happy to offer school classes a guided tour of the collection on the following topics by prior arrangement:

  • Musculoskeletal system
  • Heart and circulation
  • Sensory organs (for secondary schools and gymnasium)

About visiting the Anatomical Collection

We look forward to your visit to the Anatomical Collection. Please note the following during your visit:

    It is strictly forbidden to take photographs in the Anatomical Collection and/or of specimens.
    The specimens in the Anatomical Collection must be treated with respect.
    Eating and drinking as well as the use of cell phones are prohibited in the collection.
    The Anatomical Collection supports the training of future doctors and is used by medical students for learning purposes. Visits to the collection may be restricted during examination periods.

We thank you for your understanding and wish you an exciting and informative visit. Information sheet on the anatomical collection (in German) (PDF, 27 KB)

Opening hours


Monday - Friday 8.00 am to 5.00 pm.
The collection is closed on Saturday and Sunday.

For students of medicine:

The collection is accessible to students during the opening hours of the University of Zurich.

The following work place regulation applies in the anatomical collection:

  • Mondays – Thursdays from 8:15 am to 12:15 pm: The work places are reserved for ETHZ students.
  • Mondays – Thursdays from 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm: The work places are reserved for UZH students.

Weiterführende Informationen


University of Zurich
Institute of Anatomy
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zurich


Irchel campus, building Y42, floor G, rooms 08 and 86