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Institute of Anatomy

  • Blenden Brain - Surface
  • Blended Brain- Lateral ventricle

UZH teaching fund for the project "Blended Brain - The immersive brain course"

The project group "Digital Teaching" successfully applied for a competitive Teaching Fund of the UZH 2023. They will receive profound funding by the open_innovation scheme for their project "Blended Brain - The immersive brain course". The aim of the project is the development of a modern brain course for medical students.  An E-learning tool tailored to the course will expand the learning space and enables individual preparation and follow-up. Photogrammetry will give students access to realistic virtual 3D models of brain preparations, independent of location and time. Congratulations to the applicants Prof. Soeren Lienkamp, Natascha Lier, Ephraim and Manasseh Seidenberg, Prof. Christian Stockmann, Kevin Tröndle, and Beatrice Lauber.

The Teaching Fund is designed to further develop the curricula, methodologies, and content of higher education programs at UZH. The funding line open_innovation aims to enable experimental innovation at module and course level.

More information and a full list of projects funded can be found here:
