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Institute of Anatomy

General histology lab

The histology lab of the Institute of Anatomy offers technical support and infrastructure for the fixation, embedding and processing of histological preparations. This service is offered to both, institute members and external researchers at UZH.


Users are allowed to operate the instruments only, if they had an introduction or training by our contact person beforehand.



Reservation of instruments is mandatory prior that work is started. Log-in to the booking system must be done with the personal username and password. Log-in using a different username and password is not allowed.
Booking regulations are communicated in the booking calendar and need to be fulfilled by the users. Problems with devices must be communicated to contact persons listed. We communicate system repairs immediately to all users having booked the affected device.

Reservations are possible over the UZH booking system:

Booking system shared equipment UZH

Please register here:

Registration shared equipment UZH


24h access to the histology lab (Y42 G 76 and 78) and the booking system can be given after the training. Please complete the application form and let it sign from the person providing the training:

Access application Institute of Anatomy (PDF, 145 KB)

You can send the filled form together with a scan of your UZH member badge (front- and backside) to our contact person.

Weiterführende Informationen

Contact person histology lab

Shunmugam Nagarajan

Phone: +41 44 63 55369

Room number: Y42 J 50

General contact person

Access to the Institute of Anatomy