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Institute of Anatomy

Soeren Lienkamp

Research pictures Lienkamp lab

Soeren Lienkamp began his career at the Institute of Anatomy as an assistant professor in January 2019 and achieved the rank of associate professor in January 2025.

He is interested in the molecular and structural events that lead to the formation of a functioning kidney. His reasearch focuses on the molecular mechanisms of hereditary renal diseases.

Soeren Lienkamp graduated as an MD from the University of Freiburg, Germany, in 2007. In his study period, he participated in the Nagoya University Program for Academic Exchange for twelve months in the lab of Prof. Kunihiro Matsumoto. He joined the group of Prof. Gerd Walz at the Department of Nephrology, Unversity Hospital Freiburg, Germany as a postdoctoral fellow from 2007 to 2011. He subsequently started his clinical residency in the same department and was appointed as a junior group leader in the Clinical Research Unit 201 (Polycystic Disease – From Model Organisms to Novel Therapies). In 2014, Soeren Lienkamp became Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Group Leader at the Department of Nephrology, University Hospital Freiburg. He received his board certification in Internal Medicine in 2017.

He receives and received funding from the German Research foundation (DFG) as an Emmy Noether fellow, the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung, and the Swiss National Science Foundation. He participated in the collaborative research consortia KFO201and KIDGEM SFB1140, and is a member of the Neocyst consortium. He is also a platform leader of the NCCR Kidney.CH. Moreover, Soeren Lienkamp successfully applied for an ERC Horizon 2020 Starting Grant of the European Research Concil.

Weiterführende Informationen

Prof. Soeren Lienkamp

University of Zurich
Institute of Anatomy
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zurich
Kerstin Hollmann
Building / Room: Y42 J 04
Tel.: +41 44 63 55420

Website of the Lienkamp lab
